意大利亚士可化工大药厂(Ascor Chimici Srl)是一家世界著名的国际制药公司,创立于1969年,在全球二十几个国家地区设有工厂、分公司、办事处,其产品遍及世界各地。亚士可经过三十年的耕耘,已在制药界赢得广泛的认同与尊重。亚士可动物保健公司更是一枝独秀,产品覆盖:饲料添加剂(霉菌毒素吸附剂、天然促生长剂、专利酸化剂等)、特殊预混剂(维生素、氨基酸、微量矿物质)、维生素和益生菌系列产品、生物酶、兽药、消毒剂等,尤其是其独特的液态“包被”技术,更成为行业界的佼佼者,并获得专利技术保护。公司被欧盟DATABANK列为重点公司之一(DATABANK是欧盟农业市场研究的领导者)。
Ascor Chimici was founded in 1969 by Arnaldo Valentini. The firm was dedicated from the beginning to animal health and production, with a philosophy based on providing total assistance to the different customers (feed compounders, dealers and farmers). This approach soon led Ascor Chimici to expand its animal production sector, thus assuming a key role in the agro-food industry. Its ability consists in harmonizing technological, legislative and ethical elements, accordingly with the modern conception of feed business “from feed to table”.
Its technical staff’s skills allow Ascor Chimici to deal with the world of modern animal science with determination and proficiency, making its catalogue one of the most complete and varied in the world of animal production and health: from medicated premixes to liquid soluble antibiotics, vitamin-mineral feed supplements to liquid nutritional supplements, from probiotics to products using avant-garde technology such as gastric or rumen protection, or granulation on vegetable carriers.